So when I was home a couple weekends ago, mom and I started cleaning out my room. Everyone give a great big UGH! It was
So the attempt to clean and purge began. I found a picture frame from a long time ago that had a picture framed of a Children's Choir I sang in when I was in the fourth grade. Mom wanted the picture, but not the frame. And let's be honest, the frame is UGLY! (see below) BUT, I immediately thought of my budget AND spray paint. I've been wanting to frame at least ONE of our wedding pictures to put in our home since we don't really have anywhere to hang one yet. So, I brought the frame (among other things) to test out spray paint. I'm sure there will be other blogs to follow on my other random items I salvaged from home!
Isn't this ugly? I mean if you can't tell, it's gold speckled. And if you know me, you know I hate yellow. And this REALLY looks yellow! Ick!
I started with a coat of gray primer. Then added the fabulous metallic color you see below.
Didn't it turn out fabulous?! I thought so too! And this is one of my favorite wedding pictures. I love, love, love it! And the best part was, I spent some money on the spray paint, but guarantee I'll use it again. So essentially, this frame was free + the cost of spray paint and the picture! Now we can have a reminder of the day all the time. Until we get to a place where we can hang multiple pictures!
Have yall ever spray painted anything and revamped something old? Look for many, many more things like this! :)
One last thing. I recently found My Owl Barn which specializes in finding all things owls on the internet and putting them in one place. And I LOVE it!
Aren't these cupcakes so so so cute!? They made with cupcakes and Oreos. You can find the full post here. There's also a cute 'Smore recipe on there too. Find it here. And the picture below:
Halloween and fall are the best times to add to an owl collection! Hoping I can find some more cute owl ideas!
Not much to update on David and I. We're just hanging out in Starkville. We've been housesitting for the sweetest dachshund this past week. She's absolutely been a joy, and we've had a blast. We're looking forward to some good friends visiting this weekend and then many, many friends coming to town for Mississippi State Homecoming next weekend. We would love to see everyone so let us know if you'll be in town that weekend (or any other time)!
Very good!!! Congrats on spray painting a thrifty find!! :) You will be addicted in no time!